Katerina Belyakova

Russ Information Center

+919604801287 (whatsapp only)

India: Founder & Brand owner
You will enjoy CIS countries, we will help You to feel here as a home!

Paresh Navani


Chief Editor
If You can think of it, it’s available in Russia!

Stafford George

Russ Information Center

+7 905 514-16-79 (whatsapp only)

Russia – India: Sales and Marketing Head
From Moscow to the farthest reaches, if you can dream it, Russia's got it!

Ksenia Kirdanova

Russ Information Center

India: Deputy Director
Russia and CIS will surprise and charm you!

Satyam Pandit

Russ Information Center

+91 84259 18028 (WhatsApp)

India: Sales and Operation Manager
Ops1@russinfo.in, sales@russinfo.in
Explore the endless wonders of Russia and the CIS!

Pavel Mahetov

Russ Information Center

Operation manager and Ground head for Kazakhstan/Kyrgyzstan
Be enchanted by the rich cultures of Russia and the CIS

Katya Borisova

Russ Information Center

Russia: Ground Manager
Russia and the CIS—an unforgettable journey of surprises!

Anna Skobeltsyna

Russ Information Center, India-Friendly program for Russian service providers

St.Petersburg, Russia: Director
Travel is one of the greatest joys in our life

Evgenia Marantidi

Russ Information Center

Kazakhstan-Kyrgyzstan: Ground Manager
Unveil the hidden treasures of Kazakhstan and the CIS - where surprises await at every turn!

Komil Akhmedov

Russ Information Center

Uzbekistan: Ground Manager
From the majestic Silk Road to bustling bazaars, if you can dream it, Uzbekistan's got it

Georgiy Todalava

Russ Information Center

Georgia-Armenia: Ground Manager
Let Georgia's rich history and vibrant culture surprise and charm you


Russ Information Center

Azerbaijan: Ground Manager
From ancient traditions to modern marvels, Azerbaijan await your discovery

Alexandr Smagin

Russinfo.in - brand ambassador

Russia, India and all the world
Round-the-world bicycle traveler, Travel-blogger, photographer, Author
Life is like a riding bicycle - to keep balance you need to move