The Novy Svet Nature Reserve covers an area of 470 hectares and covers one of the most picturesque corners of Crimea. Here five peaks spread out in a semicircle: Sykhtlar, Koba-Kaya, Karaul-Oba, Sandyk-Kaya and Kush-Kaya. They circle deep bays like an amphitheatre: Blue, Green, and Blue. The last Bay is famous for its Royal beach.

The mountain slopes are covered with relict pine and juniper groves. The pearl of the reserve “New World” is recognized as a population of 5 thousand specimens of Sudak pine, or Stankevich pine. This tree is a narrow endemic and grows in the Crimea only in this protected area. In addition, at different times of the year in the reserve you can see the flowering of such rare plants as crocuses, orchids, pistachio tupolistnaya, stone-loving grass.

There are two ecological trails available for tourists. The most famous of them, Golitsynskaya, was cut into the rock specifically for the visit of Nicholas II. On the side of the path are the Shalyapin grotto, where the famous singer sang, as well as the “Legend” cave with bizarre stalagmites.

Location : Crimea

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