Sandunovsky baths (Rus: Banya, Sauna), which are locally called Sanduny, were opened in 1808. Today it is one of the monuments of urban architecture. The first owner of the baths was the merchant Sandunov. The name comes from his last name. In 1800, on the Bank of the Neglinka river (at that time it still flowed on the surface of the earth and was not enclosed in an underground collector), with the dowry of his wife, he bought a plot of land on which he built baths. There are versions that the baths were at this place earlier, but the buildings have not been preserved.

The sandunovsky baths were made of stone, built with panache and luxury. After Sandunov’s death, the baths repeatedly changed their owners. In 1869, the Manager of the complex, Alexander ganetsky, decided to make perestroika, taking as a basis the idea to build something special for Moscow at that time. Something incredibly luxurious, unparalleled in terms of service. And he did it.

He hired the architect Freudenberg, who is preparing the first version of the project. But it does not bring it to the end because of constant conflicts with the customer. The baths were completed by the architect Kalugin, who managed to implement all the requirements of ganetsky in the project. To create a new project sandunovsky baths is hired by the architect Freidenberg, which, however, the project to end arguments because of constant conflicts with the customer. The architect Kalugin undertakes to complete the complex. On February 14, 1896, the baths opened their doors to visitors.

In addition to the architectural design, all communications were changed during the reconstruction of the baths. Water was taken from the Moscow river and from a specially drilled artesian well up to seven hundred feet deep. To ensure uninterrupted supply of electricity, we built our own power plant. The bath complex, in addition to the baths themselves, also included a hotel, restaurants and shops. To understand the size of the complex, we can say that up to four hundred bath attendants worked in it at the same time.

The next major reconstructions of the Sanduns were carried out after the end of the great Patriotic war (led by the architect V. I. Chagin) and in 2011. Today, Sanduny is a modern bath and Wellness complex, which harmoniously combines exquisite architecture, modern technologies and centuries-old traditions.


Author: Nadezhda Pushkina

Location : Moscow, Russia

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