The All-Russian Museum of decorative applied and folk art (Rus: Vserossiyskiy Muzey Dekorativno-Prikladnogo I Narodnogo Iskusstva), is the only Museum in Russia that combines works of decorative and applied art of Russia of the XVIII-XX centuries in its collection. Here you can find artistic metal products, including jewelry from leading Russian companies of the XIX — early XX centuries, as well as a rare collection of samovars and artistic casting, Russian art varnishes, porcelain and glass from Imperial and private factories, as well as works by famous modern masters of decorative and applied art.
The collection of works of decorative and applied art of Russian modernism-works by Vrubel, Golovin, Malyutin, Konenkov, Andreev and others, as well as a collection of Soviet art of the 1920s and 1950s, including agitation porcelain and fabrics, has no analogues. In recent years, the Museum’s collection has been supplemented by magnificent works by contemporary artists: V. I. Mukhina, B. A. Smirnov, V. S. Muratov and many others.
The Museum’s library contains a collection of rare books. Unique handwritten materials are kept in a special archive Fund.
Author: Nadezda Pushkina
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